Admin Commands
A list of all the commands that are available for server admins.
Name | Description | Parameters |
admin-help | Show an overview of all admin commands | - |
ban-user | Ban a user from counting | User |
unban-user | Unban a user from counting | User |
cheat-mode | Enable cheat mode, if enabled false counting doesn't reset | True or False |
cooldown | Cooldown for new members before they are allowed to count | timeout: in minutes, default: 60 |
last-count | Show the last count of the server as number | - |
reset-guild | Reset the count for the guild | - |
set-channel | Set the counting channel | Channel |
set-language | Set the language for the bot on this server | Language Options: Englisch, French, German, Japanese, Russian, Spanish |
set-timeout | Configure a timeout for losers | Timeout in minutes, 0 = disabled |
timeout-increment | Factor to increment the timeout for losers | factor: 1 = no increment, 2 = double the timeout on each fail, etc... |
toggle-arithmetic | Change the arithmetic mode | mode: Enable = normal numbers and arithmetic expressions, Disable = no arithmetic expressions, Force = only arithmetic expressions |
If you need any further assistance regarding the commands, feel free to contact us. Either on GitHub by creating an issue or by joining our Discord Server.